Breakfast with Santa Partners: Thank You!

Thank you SO much to our amazing partners this year for our Annual Breakfast with Santa Event! We are beyond grateful to every individual who made this day possible. A very special thank-you to the Abbotsford School District, and Abbotsford Middle School for allowing us to host our event. Thank you to the Abbotsford Senior…Continue reading Breakfast with Santa Partners: Thank You!

Breakfast with Santa Event

Event Details & Description: Start off your holidays right! Please join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Clearbrook, make some crafts, visit with Santa himself, take a picture with Santa, receive a holiday gift, and spread some holiday joy – all completely FREE of charge! Registration starts on November 3, 2022, at…Continue reading Breakfast with Santa Event

Abby Community School Society Hiring Fair

In partnership with Hand in Hand, our two societies will be hosting a 2022 Hiring Fair! We are looking for some hard-working, enthusiastic, and all-around-awesome individuals to join our teams! There will be both Summer and Fall 2022 availability between our two societies. We look forward to meeting you and cannot wait to see what…Continue reading Abby Community School Society Hiring Fair